"AN ACT," January 9, 1843

Summary: This amendment required assessors to give their returns to county collectors on the first Monday of September each year instead of December.

Amendatory to an act, entitled an act to amend an act to raise a

revenue by direct taxation, approved February fifth, one thou-

sand eight hundred and forty two.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Texas in Congress assembled, That the tenth section of the above recited act be so amended as to make it the duty of assessors hereafter to make their returns to the collectors of their respective counties, on the first monday of September of each and every year, in lieu of the first day of December.

Approved, 9th Jan., 1843.

Source Copy Consulted: "AN ACT," January 9, 1843, reprinted in H.P.H. Gammel, The Laws of Texas, 1822-1897, 12 vols., (Austin: Gammel Book Co., 1898), 2:833. http://texinfo.library.unt.edu/lawsoftexas